Support Right to Repair
Support Right to Repair
Complete form below to contact your representative about Right-to-Repair:
Repair Act Right to Repair

Help us protect the future of independent vehicle repair! Please ask your members of Congress to support Right to Repair today.

As vehicles become more modernized the independent vehicle repair industry is being shut out. We believe that independent shops and do-it-yourself vehicle owners should have the Right to Repair vehicles. Genuine Parts Company is coordinating this campaign in support of Right to Repair, our customers, and our repair shops, asking Congress to protect this right.

It is important for vehicle owners to have the right to securely share their vehicles’ repair and maintenance data with the repair shop of their choice, whether it’s an automobile or commercial motor vehicle. To continue serving their customers, independent repair shops need access to the critical information, tools, and equipment needed to repair modern vehicles. The Right to Repair is asking that vehicle owners, and not vehicle manufacturers, control access to repair and maintenance data.

Please show your support for Right to Repair by using this webpage to send a letter to your federal lawmakers. It will take 30 seconds.